Generate Topologies (.dot files)

Once your algorithm is defined, you need to define some topology using dot. For small graphs, it is ok to do it by hand. For bigger graphs, you might consider using gg and gg-deco, that are part of the sasa distribution:

Generate graphs skeletons with gg

gg -h
gg is an experimental graph generator.
usage: gg <graph-kind> [<option>]*
where <graph-kind> can be:
  clique           Generate a clique
  star             Generate a star
  ring             Generate a ring
  chain            Generate a chain
  grid             Generate a grid
  HC               Generate a hyper-cube
  ER               Generate a graph using the Erdos Renyi algo
  BA               Generate a graph using the Barabasi–Albert algo
  tree             Generate a tree
  UDG              Generate a graph using the Unit Disc Graph algo
  QUDG             Generate a graph using the Quasi UDG algo

<option> can be:
  --output, -o <string>
                  Redirect stdout into a file
  --seed, -seed    Set the pseudo-random generator seed
  --silent, -s     be quiet
  --connected, -c  Try again until a connected graph is generated
  --diameter       Compute the graph diameter and put it in the graph attributes
  --help, -h       Print this help

Use 'gg <graph-kind> -h' to see specific options.
gg grid -h
gg is an experimental graph generator.
usage: gg grid [option]*
<option> can be:
  --output, -o <string>
                   Redirect stdout into a file
  --silent, -s     be quiet
  --directed, -dir Generate a directed graph.
  --help, -h       Print this help

<option> specific to this <graph-kind>:
  --width, -w <float>
                  Set the grid's width

  --height, -he <float>
                  Set the grid's height

Decorate graphs skeletons with gg-deco

gg-deco -h
usage: gg-deco "<decoration pattern>" <> [<option>]*
decorates an <> using a <decoration pattern>.

The <decoration pattern> specifies which algos should be attached to which nodes.
Its syntax (in EBNF) is:
   <decoration pattern> ::= <deco><more>
   <deco> ::=
    | <int>:<string>
    | <int>-<int>:<string>
    | <int>-:<string>
   <more> ::= ([ \t]*<deco>)*

  "i:file"   attaches <file> to node number <i> (the first node is numbered 0)
  "i-j:file" attaches <file> to nodes number <i>, <i>+1, ..., <j>
  "i-:file"  attaches <file> from node number <i> untill the end

decorations are handled from left to rigth (i.e., the rigth-most one wins).

Example: the <decoration pattern> "" assigns
  - "" to the first node, and
  - "" to the other ones.

<option> can be:
   --output, -o <file>
            Redirect stdout into a <file>
   --help, -h  Print this help

An example

The following commands generate a random graph with 30 nodes using the Erdos-Renyi algorithm, and launch an interactive session that computes a bfs spanning tree. We use the sfdp dot viewer as it give better result than the default one on this kind of graphs.

[ -d "sasa" ] || git clone
cd sasa/test/bfs-spanning-tree
gg ER  -n 30 -o
gg-deco "" -o
make ER30.cma
rdbgui4sasa -sut "sasa -cd" # then click on the graph icon + the =sfdp= radio button
# or, via the CLI:
rdbg --sasa -sut "sasa -cd"