Module Sasacore.SasaState

'v is the type of Algo local state, and is defined by users.

Instead of requiring functions that convert 'v into Data.t, I choose to implement them on top of Algo.state_to_string (although it is probably less robust).

The reasons for doing that are:

Moreover, requiring a state_to_string also provides an easy mean to hide information in the RIF. Indeed, if the user only wants to show part of the local state, he just need to hide it via the state_to_string function.

type pid = string
val to_rif_decl : pid -> 'v -> (string * Data.t) list

Returns a list variable names used in the RIF outputs. Those names are made of the pid and the type 'v using the state_to_string function

val to_rif_data : 'v -> string
val to_var_names : pid -> 'v -> string list
val to_rdbg_subst : pid -> 'v -> (string * Data.v) list

used to interact with rdbg