Module Sasacore.Register

This module duplicates and extends the Algo module with get_* functions.

The rationale for defining such a module is to be able to hide the get_* functions from the Algo interface. Indeed, they are only called by the sasa engine, and it is dangerous and useless to expose them to algorithms designers.

type 's neighbor = {
  1. state : 's;
  2. pid : string;
  3. spid : string;
  4. reply : unit -> int;
  5. weight : unit -> int;
type algo_id = string
type action = string
type 's enable_fun = 's neighbor list -> 's -> action list
type 's step_fun = 's neighbor list -> 's -> action -> 's
type 's fault_fun = int -> string -> 's -> 's
type pid = string
type value =
  1. | F of float * float * float
  2. | I of int * int * int
  3. | B of bool
type 's state_to_values_fun = ('s -> value list) * (value list -> 's -> 's)
type 's potential_fun = pid list -> (pid -> 's * ('s neighbor * pid) list) -> float
type 's legitimate_fun = string list -> (string -> 's * ('s neighbor * pid) list) -> bool
val reg_init_state : algo_id -> (int -> string -> 's) -> unit
val reg_enable : algo_id -> 's enable_fun -> unit
val reg_step : algo_id -> 's step_fun -> unit
val reg_potential : 's potential_fun option -> unit
val reg_init_search_utils : 's state_to_values_fun option -> unit
val reg_legitimate : 's legitimate_fun option -> unit
val reg_fault : 's fault_fun option -> unit
val reg_actions : action list -> unit
val reg_value_to_string : ('s -> string) -> unit
val reg_value_of_string : (string -> 's) -> unit
val reg_copy_value : ('s -> 's) -> unit
val card : unit -> int
val min_degree : unit -> int
val mean_degree : unit -> float
val max_degree : unit -> int
val is_cyclic : unit -> bool
val is_connected : unit -> bool
val diameter : unit -> int
val is_tree : unit -> bool
val is_in_tree : unit -> bool
val is_out_tree : unit -> bool
val is_rooted_tree : unit -> bool
val sub_tree_size : string -> int
val parent : string -> int option
val is_directed : unit -> bool
val level : string -> int
val height : string -> int
val verbose_level : int Stdlib.ref
val get_graph_attribute : string -> string
val get_graph_attribute_opt : string -> string option
val get_enable : algo_id -> 's enable_fun
val get_step : algo_id -> 's step_fun
val get_init_state : algo_id -> int -> string -> 's
val get_actions : unit -> action list
val get_potential : unit -> 's potential_fun option
val get_init_search_utils : unit -> 's state_to_values_fun option
val get_legitimate : unit -> 's legitimate_fun option
val get_fault : unit -> 's fault_fun option
val get_value_to_string : unit -> 's -> string
val get_value_of_string : unit -> (string -> 's) option
val get_copy_value : unit -> 's -> 's
val to_string : 's -> string
val set_topology : Topology.t -> unit

Those are called by sasa once the graph has been parsed

type node_id = string
val set_graph_attribute : string -> string -> unit
val graph_attribute_list : unit -> (string * string) list