Module Sasacore.Process

type 'v t = {
  1. pid : string;
  2. actions : Register.action list;
  3. init : 'v;
  4. enable : 'v Register.enable_fun;
  5. step : 'v Register.step_fun;

There is such a Process.t per node in the dot file.

val make : bool -> Topology.node -> 'v -> 'v t

make custom_mode_flag node init_state builds a process out of a node. To do that, it retrieves the registered functions by Dynamic linking of the cmxs file specified in the "algo" field of the dot node.

The custom_mode_flag is set in the sasa command line.

nb: the provided initial values comes from the dot file if the init field; otherwise it comes from in the Algo.init_state function